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  P a n t e r r a

  P a n t e r r a

Any gas / any range detector.

Price range: $179 to $547

 (Add to cart via part number generator)
Product Links

> Features
> Ordering options
> Part No. Generator
> Gallery

Product Briefs (PDF)

> Panterra overview
> MOS Class
> ECHEM Class
> TCOND Class

Related Links

> PK-Port™ (PDF)


Our on-line question-and-answer part number generator simplifies the selection of product options. A link to the part number generator is in the Product Links section above.

Action Level Options

Alarm level specified as "PN-Sx-Gyy-Annn", where:
  "x" is the sensor type code
  (EG "ST" denotes thermal conductivity)
  "yy" is the target gas code
  (EG "GOX" implies oxygen)
  "nnn" is alarm level (% of sensing range)

Warning level specified as "Wpp" where
   "pp" is percentage of sensing range

Error Handling Options

1. Audio-visual indication of errors [E1]
2. Errors trigger alarms (fail safe) [E2]

Overdose Handling Options

(Applies to MOS hydrogen sensor only)

1. Failure to hypersensitivity [X1]
2. Failure to persistent error state [X2]

Output Signal Option

1. TTL - Norm.-high, Auto (self-clearing) [O1]
2. TTL - Norm.-low, Auto (self-clearing) [O2]
3. TTL - Norm.-high, Latch (Button reset) [O3]
4. TTL - Norm.-low, Latch (Button reset) [O4]

   (Specify TTL signal to respond to warning    state, alarm state, or both.)

5. Proportional output - 0 to 5VDC [O5]
    0.5V safety offset (zero reading)
    1000 steps of 4.9mV each
    Each step equals one resolution unit

6. State step - 0 to 5VDC [O6]
    Encoded normal/warning/alarm/error states

  Relay Options

1. Relay not required [R0]
2. Normally-closed, Auto (self-clearing) [R1]
3. Normally-open, Auto (self-clearing) [R2]
4. Normally-closed, Latch (Button reset) [R3]
5. Normally-open, Latch (Button reset) [R4]

Specify relay to respond to warning state, alarm state, or both.

Audio Sounder Options

1. No beeper [S0]
2. Includer beeper [S1]

Enclosure Options

1. Open-frame (Circuit board only) [P0]
2. Anodized aluminum case (No flange) [P1]
3. Anodized aluminum case (With flange) [P2]

Sensor Placement Options

Sensor heads can be housed within the control unit or can be extended via a cable. Extended sensors are house in a flanged aluminum enclosure.

1. No sensor extension [L0]
2. Sensor extended "n" meters [Ln]

Powering Options

1. 5 VDC (+/- 5%) [I1]
2. 7-to-40 VDC switch mode PSU [I2]
3. 7-to-60 VDC switch mode PSU [I3]

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