The Ring images - miscellaneous
Katie downstairs
Katie's doorknob
Aidan draws
Rachel/Aidan attend wake
Rachel/Aidan attend wake
Aidan ascends stairs
Becca in asylum
Rachel prepares to watch
Rachel watches tape
Rachel watches tape
Rachel watches tape
Rachel watches tape
Rachel watches tape
Rachel checks archives
Anna jumps
Aidan on way to school
Aidan on way to school
Aidan encounters Noah
Rachel's neighbors
Noah/Rachel analyze tape
Rachel sees ladder in alley
Rachel studies tape
Rachel in bed
Rachel's eye
Anna's face scribbled
Aidan watches tape
Rachel shields Aidan
Rachel distraught
Noah checks records
Noah checks records
Rachel on ferry
ferry horse
Rachel in Morgan house
Rachel on Morgan Ranch
Samara on tape SM0015
Noah & Rachel enter barn
Noah/Rachel in cabin 12
Noah distraught
curse tree
curse tree
Aidan watches tape
Samara in Rachel's dream
Samara's nail
Samara medical records
Anna in newspaper
Samara in mirror
Noah/Rachel after rescue